Saturday, 20 October 2012

Southland women need access to abortion services

To Invercargill Abortion Clinic Staff,

This is a letter of support for the essential service that you provide.  We were disgusted to find out about the threats you have received. These abhorrent messages as well as the protests against the clinic are the acts of cowards and bigots.

We fully support the opening and running of abortion clinics. We understand the necessity of such a service for women’s reproductive health and general well-being.

Such services should be made more accessible by establishing clinics in all areas, not just major cities and by making the service free for all women.

Our struggle against anti-choice bigotry must start to extend beyond defensive acts. Abortion needs to come out of the Crimes Act. For even though women in New Zealand now can get access to abortion services, the hoops which have to be jumped through and the stigma placed on women by society is not even close to acceptable.

We say no guilt, no shame for those who get abortion and those who provide the service. Your work is important.

In Solidarity

Rowan McArthur 
(International Socialist Organisation)

[Find out more about the campaign to defend abortion services in Southland by going to the Abortion Law Reform Association website. Alison McCulloch from ALRANZ debated an anti-choice spokesperson on television earlier this week.]